Hello! Welcome to the new series, "Boldly Back"! I am really excited about this series. As our children are going back to school, it is a time for us to revisit some things we haven't for awhile, or open the door for conversations we haven't yet had. I am also excited abou this because I have pulled in some themes from "Wizard of Oz". Awhile back I heard a sermon using a similar theme. I thought this would be perfect for students, so I am borrowing the idea and mixing it in with this framework. My hope and prayer is that this will spark some really great conversations in your home, depening your relationships and trust with your children, and ultimately instill a deep foundation and a love for Christ. Let's embark on this journey together!
Memory Verse:
Philippians 4:8, NIV: "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."
This verse is a great verse to really emphasize over the course of the next week. As often as you can, work on it as a family. Before your children leave the house, say it together. Each night when you are talking about the day, mention the verse. If you pick a family verse as your verse for the year, consider picking this one.
For the kids:
For the family:
For the family
Read: Luke 6:37-42
Luke 6:37 says, “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." This sounds like a weird place for us to start a series on going "Boldly Back", doesn't it? And if today we are talking about the mind as it relates to going back, why on earth would our verse be something about not judging?
Hang with me as I try to make the connection. :)
The connection I want to make is with our mindset. Have you heard that word before? When I was teaching in the classroom, I talked with my students often about having a growth mindset. A mindset is how we think and how we see the world around us. Did you know that the way you think affects the outcome? Remember the video with the people shooting baskets? What they were made to believe (think) affected how they performed. What is your mindset like when you go to school? What do you think in regards to your abilities? About your friends/classmates? About your teacher? What do you say when you get home from school? What do you say before you go to school? What we routinely think and say affects our performance, our attitudes and the things that come out of our mouths to those around us. In the Wizard of Oz video above, Scarecrow says something that I found profoundly important. He said, "Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don't they?" Obviously everyone has a brain, but does everyone use their brain before they speak?
What do you think God wants from us? Did you know that you are called? God has placed you where you are, the class you are in, the friends you have, the classmates you come into contact with, and yes, even with the teacher you have. God wants to use you right where you are. Sometimes we can get in the way of that. In my own life I find that my fears and insecurities (the things I am thinking about) are the things that hold me back from doing and saying the things that I should.
Circling back to our verse, Luke 6:37, what is the opposite of judging and condemning? The verse talks about forgiving, but I'd also like to throw another word out there - Grace. As believers we know that we deserved to be judged and condemned for our sins, but God gave freely His grace to us. Grace is being given something that we don't deserve. We do not deserve eternal life with Him, but because of His great love for us, He made the way for us. In Luke 6:37, it says, "Do not judge and you will not be judged..." It is implying that if we judge others, we will then be judged. If we want grace, than we need to also give grace. How can you show grace this school year?
Reflection Questions:
What is your current mindset when it comes to school? Teacher? Classmates? What was it prior to COVID?
If you find you are having negative thoughts and feelings (or did before COVID and think those thoughts might return), what are some ways that you can change that mindset?
We read today that you are "called" to be where you are. What do you think that means? What action steps might God be calling you to?
If the opposite of judging is showing grace, how can you show grace to your classmates? To your teacher? To your sibilings? To your parents?
Family Prayer Time:
As a family, take some time to listen to each others concerns, worries, and fears. Then pray over each other. Ask God to give each one of you the right mindset. Our memory verse for this week is Phil. 4:8 - "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." As a family, make it your goal this year to focus on these traits.
Dear parents,
I am so happy you have chosen to take this journey with your family. Being a teacher and seeing the things I have, I have a passion for our kids. It is my desire that kids get a really good foundation, a strong love for Jesus and a desire to follow Him at an early age. That is what will help them weather the storms that will arise for them. If you know of other families that could use this resource, please share it with them. If you have any testimonials of how this has impacted you, your children, or your family, I would really like to hear them! Please comment and share your story so others can hear it as well!
God Bless,